Volatility in global markets sent shares in Taiwan sharply lower yesterday after foreign institutional (外資法人) aggressively sold their holdings throughout the session, dealers said.
Selling was seen across the board, but hit the electronics sector particularly hard. In that sector, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC,台積電), the most heavily weighted stock in the local market, , while stocks in Apple Inc’s supply chain faced heavy downward pressure as the US consumer electronics giant reported iPhone sales, dealers said.
The Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA,外貿協會) said that to boost the nation’s external trade it plans to focus on emerging markets this year because they are the main drivers of the global economy. Southeast and South Asian nations will be given high priority, the government-backed trade body said in a statement. (由政府所支持的貿易組織—外貿協會—表示,為了增進台灣的外部貿易,今年外貿協會將計畫專注於興新市場,因為新興市場是世界經濟的主要推手,而東南亞國家將列優先合作之對象。)
Manufacturing activitylast month for the 10thmonth, with the official purchasing managers’ index (PMI)to its highest level since June, according to a report released by the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research yesterday.
AI (Artificial Intelligence)人工智慧一直以來讓人類又愛又恨。愛者,是電腦辦起事來比人腦還精準,如果使用人工智慧,很多人腦無法處理的問題都能迎刃而解;恨者,由於人工智慧等同於創造出一種智慧等同人類的電腦生物,其後果可好可壞。當然人工智慧的可能性也一直是個膾炙人口的議題:從都靈實驗(Turing Test)、到中國房間理論(The Chinese Room)、到程式衍生程式等等的論述。人們對於人工智慧的可行性打上了大問號。或許人們該想的是,當我們想盡辦法將電腦變成人,同時人類是不是因此而變得更像機器,更接近電腦:一成不變的生活、過度的理性、一致性的邏輯、事物的理論化與知識的商品化等等。如此一來,或許真正變成人工智慧的不是機器,而是人…。接下來我們來搶先看一下2014年4月的科幻大作Transcendence「超驗駭客」,看完劇情介紹,和三部預告片之後,或許你會有不同的看法。
Lawmakers are eager to punish Kaohsiung-based Advanced Semiconductor Engineering for its dumping of toxic wastewater and want to cancel tax benefits the company received. Economics Minister, Chang Chia-juch, claimed, “Our position is if a company has a poor record, it would make future applications for such incentives difficult to pass. The company could also forfeit incentives.”
首先我們來看下列這一句話:NGOs have announced protests against the closed-door negotiations used to craft the cross strait trade-in services pact (agreement) Taiwan signed with China. (公民團體宣示將發動一連串反黑箱兩岸服貿協定的抗議活動。)