Taipei Times
Amazon.com Inc, the largest online retailer, offered customers US$20 gift cards and refunds on shipping charges after an avalanche of orders resulted in United Parcel Service Inc (UPS) failing to deliver some packages by Christmas.
1. Voucher: a voucher is a ticket or piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for something. (現金券)
例句:Here is voucher for free meal. (這裡以一張免費餐券)
2. Coupon: A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product. (折價券、優待券)
例句:Bring a coupon below to any Costco, and you can enjoy 10% free for all you buy! (在Costco使用下方的折價券,你就能享有10%的優惠喔!)
3. Gift certificate (gift card): A gift certificate is a piece of paper used to purchase a gift for free as long as the printed value meets the price of the product. (禮券)
百貨公司的禮券、商店的禮券等等;只要你能用來換禮品或禮物就可是gift certificate。不過gift certificate只能用來換禮物,不能換其他的東西喔!在美國有些禮券只能換某些禮品,是指定好的,不能更換的喔!
例句:If you are uncertain what to buy for someone, consider gift certificate. (如果你不知道要買什麼,買一張禮券吧!)
4. Complimentary ticket: a ticket with discounts or a free ticket (優待票、或免費票)
只要是優惠票種,都可以使用complimentary ticket!另外,如果是傳單上的優待劵也可以叫做compliment喔!
例句:Every faculty and staff member is entitled to one complimentary ticket. (每一位教師或職員都能得到一張優待票)
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