For more than 15 years, there were 1 something was amiss with what federal prosecutors in Manhattan call the “703 account” at JPMorgan Chase & Co.
1. (A) signatures
(B) signs
(C) signals
(D) signings
Money was 2 back and forth for no reason. The account 3 was recording double-digit returns on investments that were too good to be true. The bank itself was worried enough about possible fraud to withdraw its own investments from him.
2. (A) transferring
(B) being transferred
(C) transferred
(D) to be transferred
3. (A) owner
(B) possessor
(C) manager
(D) holder
He name on the account was Bernard Madoff, and on Tuesday, JPMorgan paid a steep price for keeping quiet about its suspicions.
US federal authorities announced that the nation’s largest bank will 4 its other costly financial woes by forfeiting a record US$1.7 billion to settle criminal charges 5 it turned a blind eye to the Madoff fraud, plus pay an additional US$543 million to 6 civil claims by people who lost money.
4. (A) add
(B) be added to
(C) add to
(D) be adding
5. (A) alleging
(B) alleged
(C) are alleging
(D) which alleges
6. (A) resolve
(B) solve
(C) negotiate
(D) settle
1. 答案:(B)
2. 答案:(B)
解析:原句中已經確定使用被動語態 (money was…),而此處強調的是動作(back and forth),因此使用過去進行式的被動(being transferred),而不使用過去簡單式表事實(was transferred)。最佳選項為(B)。
3. 答案:(D)
解析:帳戶持有者的英文為account holder,而非其他的表達方式。
4. 答案:(C)
解析:add to是增加入…(某事物)的意思。在此事物指的是other financial woes (其他的財務負擔);摩根除了要負擔既存的賠償與債務外,還要另外加上(add to)一百七十億的美金罰款。add to使用主動即可,在此不需用被動。
5. 答案:(A)
解析:此題考的是分詞構句。原句為:…criminal charges which alleged that it turned a blind eye to…。在分詞構句中,關係代名詞which被去除,動詞alleged因為是主動,所以改成現在分詞alleging。答案選(A)。
6. 答案:(D)
解析:對於法律訴訟的和解行為,通常都會用金錢做衡量單位,也有可能庭外和解。不論如何,對於法律案件的解決,英文的動詞要用settle:settle civil claims。resolve和solve都是解決的意思,negotiate是協調協商;三者皆不是解決法律訴訟的慣用詞。答案選(D)。