AI (Artificial Intelligence)人工智慧一直以來讓人類又愛又恨。愛者,是電腦辦起事來比人腦還精準,如果使用人工智慧,很多人腦無法處理的問題都能迎刃而解;恨者,由於人工智慧等同於創造出一種智慧等同人類的電腦生物,其後果可好可壞。當然人工智慧的可能性也一直是個膾炙人口的議題:從都靈實驗(Turing Test)、到中國房間理論(The Chinese Room)、到程式衍生程式等等的論述。人們對於人工智慧的可行性打上了大問號。或許人們該想的是,當我們想盡辦法將電腦變成人,同時人類是不是因此而變得更像機器,更接近電腦:一成不變的生活、過度的理性、一致性的邏輯、事物的理論化與知識的商品化等等。如此一來,或許真正變成人工智慧的不是機器,而是人…。接下來我們來搶先看一下2014年4月的科幻大作Transcendence「超驗駭客」,看完劇情介紹,和三部預告片之後,或許你會有不同的看法。
Transcendence (April 2014)
Synopsis (劇情概要)
Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him.
However, in their attempt to destroy Will, they inadvertently (adv.不經意地) become the catalyst (n, 催化劑)for him to succeed—to be a participant in his own transcendence. For his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, the question is not if they can…but if they should.
Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a seemingly omnipresent quest for power, to what end is unknown. The only thing that is becoming terrifyingly clear is there may be no way to stop him.
人類的大腦演化萬年,比任何的生物還要複雜。如果人類下一個演化過程不是生物,而是電腦,那麼這是永生還是毀滅呢?“Is it the key to immortality? Or is it the path to annihilation?
反科技組織的縮寫是RIFT (Revolutionary Independence from Technology),在本片中高組織宣揚他們的理念,他們要盡全力阻止任何人工智慧的產生,因為他們認為人類會毀在這些高科技的手上:”Once they are able to think for themselves, they will use their power to destroy us.”