


明明 打開電視每個單字都會,卻聽不出一個所以然到底主播先生小姐在說什麼呢? 


Speaking of economy, maybe you will have the same problem that watching tv hearing the anchor broadcasts the stock market, but somehow you just can understand what exactly the anchor said.

Comprehend every word cannot feel it makes sense, either.

That is because the financial news include a lot of professional terms. So let's look at some of the terms.

terms 術語

1.go up /move up /rise/climb 上漲

2.marginally higher/firmer 小幅上揚

3.surge 大漲/紅盤

4.skyrocket  飆漲 (短時間大幅上漲)

5.on the firee 表現強勢

6.mix 有漲有跌 

7.pull back 拉回 (先漲後跌)

8.remain stable 持平

9.flat 差異不大

10.rebound/ rally 反彈 重整

11.bargaining hunting 逢低買進

12.go down /sink/decline/slide  下跌

13.slump 驟跌

14.marginally lower/softer  小幅下跌

15.dip into the red  探底   見底

16.hammer/ hit  股市重創/ 受挫


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