Google 推出 Project Loon 計劃,目標是將網路帶給地球上的每一個人
在我們痛痛快快的使用網路的同時,有60億人口的地球尚有2/3的人幾乎無法上網吸收新知,當然貧窮是一個原因,更多的是很多地區不適合鋪設實體網路線,像是海拔超高的偏遠山區居民或是亞馬遜叢林裡的部落等等,所以咱們GOOGLE的X實驗室就推出了這個概念,把無線網路的發射站放在氣球上,這樣就可以突破地形上的限制,讓更多人享受網路的便利啦~ 是不是很聰明阿~
Google's Project Loon proposes internet distributed by high flying balloons
Google is seriously proposing hot air ballon-powered internet access, and has already launched a pilot project in New Zealand with 50 testers trying to connect via a helium-filled, solar powered balloon. One of the Google[x]moonshot projects, there are a couple of videos embedded after the break explaining the issue, and the technology Google wants to use to address it. Project Loon's playful logo reflects the custom designed antennas users will use to receive their signal from balloons floating twice as high as commercial airplanes fly. The signal goes from ground based antennas, up to the balloon, which use their high-altitude placement to broadcast much further than other methods.
工商廣告時間:台中洋碩7月份旅遊英文外師活動課開跑囉~ ---->報名網址在這裡<--