

1 day, 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds, how many things you think you can do in one single day? How many days you think will be enough to travel around one city, the big apple, New York City? The twins YouTubers, Jack and Finn, are trying to visit as many sights as they can in only 24 hours. Let’s find out what places they will choose among so many attractions in NYC.


 Let's take a look at the famous attractions they chose to visit in the video.

Central Park 中央公園: 1857年建置完成,佔地約340公頃

 Time Square 時報廣場: 名稱源自於早期《紐約時報》在此設立總部

 Empire State Building 帝國大廈: 這棟紐約最具指標性的大樓時常出現在電影場景中,最知名的莫過於西雅圖夜未眠了.建築高度約為380公尺.

 The High Line 空中鐵道公園: 想到紐約除了高樓大廈,想呼吸新鮮空氣除了碩大的中央公園另一個選擇就是更清幽的空中鐵道公園,身處於城市綠洲中讓人簡直忘了自己是在紐約市呢!

 Twin Towers 雙子星塔: 911是美國人心中永遠的痛,世貿雙塔原址現為兩大水池,周圍刻著罹難者的姓名.

 China Town 中國城: 許多大城市都會有中國城,以解亞洲人的思鄉情緒.

 Brooklyn Bridge 布魯克林大橋: 建置於1883,是美國最古老的懸索吊橋之一


文/ Bob

影片/ Youtube



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