Tip #1 Looks Matter
Your resume is the very first impression before the “real” first impression, so be sure you make effort. Choose quality paper and make it easy to read. 11 or 12 pt. font keeps it reader-friendly.
Tip #2 Keep it Brief
A resume is not your autobiography. It’s not about telling your life story, just to highlight your key credential. 1 page A4 will be enough, but it is acceptable to have 2.
Tip #3 Easy to get In Touch
At the top, make your name in bold and in a bigger font. List your mailing address, email address, cellphone and Skype.
Tip #4 Keep it Logical
Organise your resume into 3 basic categories: work experience, education, skills & interests. Under work experience, list your job chronologically or job function.
Tip #5 Titles are Key
Make sure your job titles are descriptive enough to get the employer a good idea of what you’ve done.
Tip #6 Be Direct and Correct
Use bullet point not lengthy paragraph to detail your experience. Most people will only scan your resume, so your English grammar and punctuation must be absolutely flawless.
1. 選張質感好的紙,選用大小適中的字體,內容簡潔扼要
2. 聯絡資訊清晰明瞭,有條理邏輯的撰寫
3. 工作職稱要好聽且明確,使用條列式讓重點表達更清楚
4. 最後,文法及標點符號要正確!
文/ Bob Tsai
圖/ Pixabay
參考來源/ Youtube