雖然蘭陵王下檔已經很久啦!不過最近似乎又因為一個《老外看中國》給炒熱了起來。話說同學們學英文,常常都是藉由台灣人的角度去看世界,但是如果今天變成外國人學中文,他們的觀點和看法是不是又跟我們天差地遠呢?首先,我們來學學如何用英文說出《蘭陵王》的劇情,然後再看看,老外如何將《蘭陵王》變成台版的美國隊長:Captain China in Taiwan。
A prophecy (預言) foretold that victory goes to the one who has the priestess’s blessing(天女的祝福). Yang Xue Wu, the last priestess of her clan(部族), unwillingly embroiled in a war between Northern Qi(北齊) and Northern Zhou(北周). Although she foresees the tragic fate of Lan Ling Wang, the general of Northern Qi, she nonetheless falls in love with him and helps him win the war against Yuwen Yang, the king of Northern Zhou. But destiny cannot be altered. Lan Ling Wang ends up dying in the hand of his cousin, the new king of Northern Qi.
影片連結在此 老外看中國-解讀古代版中國隊長-蘭陵王