多益考試:牛刀小試 這要填什麼?答案出爐囉!
If you _____1___ Taiwan on Google maps, you will see that it has a shape that is ___2____ at both the north and south ends, with the Pacific Ocean on its eastern side and the Taiwan Strait to the west. With a total land area of 36,000 square kilometers, it is approximately the size of Switzerland.
Among more than 200 mountains over 3000 meters, Yushan (Jade Mountain), at 3956 m, is the highest peak in Taiwan and also in Northeast Asia. Taiwan 3 different types of climates – tropical, subtropical, and temperate—which allow great ecological 4 . There are over 18,400 species found here, about 20% of which are native endemic species, some 5 back to the Ice Age. Needless to say, this ecological diversity is a priceless resource.
1. a. search
b. search for
c. searching
d. searched
答案:(b)。search 是搜索、尋找的意思,如果是及物動詞就代表你正在某人身上或某地方搜找:The police searched me to see if I had brought anything illegal. 但是如果和for連用變成search for,意思等同look for:The police were searching for illegal narcotics in the airport. 這裡是look for的意思。
2. a. narrow
b. wide
c. broad
d. small
3. a. shows
b. boasts
c. demonstrates
d. presents
答案:(b)。boast有引以自豪的意思,台灣的氣候有三種:熱帶(tropical), 亞熱帶(subtropical), 溫帶(temperate);這是台灣特殊而值得驕傲的地方。
4. a. difference
b. distinction
c. diversity
d. discrepancy
5. a. date
b. dated
c. dating
d. are dated
答案:(c)。some dating back to the Ice Age是名詞片語,用來補充說明在地物種(endemic species),所以a和d不能選,因為沒有連接詞,不能當成句子;b也不能選,因為date是主動的動詞,如同happen, occur一樣,一般不用被動。