東京日前拿下2020年奧運主辦權,消息傳回國內,也讓日本舉國歡騰。日本媒體創了一個新名詞「安倍奧運經濟學」,稱舉辦奧運是安倍振興國家經濟的「第四枝箭」! 究竟奧運能替日本帶來多大的經濟效應呢? Let's wait and see!
Japan hopes for tourism boost after Tokyo wins bid to host 2020 Olympic Games
Japan’s Prime Minister hopes that Tokyo’s successful 2020 Olympic Games bid will boost tourism to the country.
"I want to overcome 15 years of deflation. Hosting the Olympics and Paralympics will have good effects on a wide range of areas such as infrastructure and tourism."
The Japanese capital beat Madrid and Istanbul to be elected the host city after winning a vote by the International Olympic Committee.
Tokyo will become the fifth city to host the Summer Olympics twice, having held the Games in 1964.
In its final presentation, Tokyo made its case as the 'safe pair of hands' but the prospect of Japan hosting the greatest show on earth had raised concerns due to reports of a leak of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant.
Mr Abe reassured IOC delegates by saying: "Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you the situation is under control. It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo."
Cheapflights.co.uk’s travel expert Oonagh Shiel believes that the country that brought us the bullet train is well-placed to deliver organised and on-time Games: "Tokyo is probably the safest choice for staging and it will be interesting to see how it opens up to a wider tourist market as a result of interest in the Games.
英國廉價航空網站的旅遊專家Oonagh Shiel相信,這個發明子彈列車的國家,一定會妥當地規劃及準時進行賽事。"東京可能是最安全的選擇。而主辦奧運究竟能拓展多少觀光市場,也是個有趣的觀察重點。"
你覺得奧運真的能提振日本經濟嗎? 歡迎大家來分享看法喔!
win bid 獲勝
boost 促進
radioactive 放射性的
delegate 代表團成員
paralympics 身障奧運
infrastructure 基礎建設