

iPhone 5C: Is Apple's cheaper model too expensive?
iPhone 5C:蘋果的低價策略產品,價格是否依然太高?


Apple has grown too big for just one iPhone.That is why Apple is releasing two new iPhones this month instead of just one, including a cheaper model aimed at less wealthy countries where new Apple phones have been desired but are out of reach because of their price.

The lower-cost model, the iPhone 5C (the C for color), comes in a plastic case and has the same features as the now-outdated iPhone 5. The fancier model, the iPhone 5S, comes in aluminum and includes a faster processor and a fingerprint sensor for security, among other features.
蘋果此次推出的低價策略產品即為iPhone 5C (C代表顏色),其外殼為塑膠製,手機功能和特點都和iPhone 5一樣。相較之下,另一款較為高級的產品是iPhone 5S,具有鋁製外殼,配備更快速的處理器,甚至還有指紋辨識的安全系統。

The iPhone 5S costs $200 with a contract, and the iPhone 5C costs $100 with a contract. But at full price without a contract, which is how many overseas carriers allow people to pay for phones, the iPhone 5C costs $550 - only $100 less than the iPhone 5S. That is far higher than the range of $300 to $400 that many analysts believed could help Apple against lower-cost competition.
 iPhone 5S 連同合約一共200元美金,而iPhone 5C 則要價100元美金。但是,蘋果的國外市場當中,消費者可以全價購買產品,而不簽合約,如此一來iPhone 5C 就要價550元美金,只比iPhone 5S便宜100元美金而已。許多分析師都認為,蘋果要能與低價策略的公司競爭,產品價格訂在300 至400元美金左右,但是 550元美金已經遠超過這個範圍。


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