(截自/ Youtube)
小編前陣子終於去看了大家最近都在談論的電影Zootopia (動物方城市)
在現代化的大都會「方城市」裡,,每個人都有著自己偉大的理想,一位菜鳥兔女警茱蒂(Judy Hopps),立志要成為一位厲害的警察,就算所有人都不對他抱期望,也帶著自己的理想進入了這城市,剛好碰上了離奇的失蹤案件,小兔子茱蒂該如何解決案子呢?在這現代大城市中,有自己一席小小的容身之處嗎?
In this movie, we can see a lot of stereotypes.
Stereotype→to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same
1. Gender Stereotype (性別刻板印象)
Boys are good at science and math; girls are good at languages. 男生擅理科,女生擅文科
Men are strong and do all the work. 男生很強壯所以可以做任何事情
Women can’t do as good of a job as a man. 女生在工作方面沒有男生好
Girls are not good at sports. 女生不擅長運動
Guys are messy and unclean. 男生都很髒亂
2. Racial Stereotype (種族刻板印象)
Foxes are bad animals and rabbits are good animals. 狐狸通常是壞人;兔子是好人
Blacks are good at sports. 黑人通常擅長運動
In our society, is there any other stereotype? 社會上還有那些刻板印象呢?
3. Cultural Stereotype (文化刻板印象)
All white Americans are obese, lazy. 白種美國人又胖又懶
All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists. 所有阿拉伯或是穆斯林都是恐怖份子
All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow. 所有亞洲人都精通數學,吃飯跟開車都很慢
4. Sexual Stereotype (性向刻板印象)
Feminine man is gay and any masculine woman is a lesbian. 較女性化的男生或是較男性化的女生都是同性戀
As a saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” (不要以貌取人)
參考來源/Wikipedia, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary