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A. rebate (回扣、折扣) 定義:( 4 ) 例句:You could cut the coupons in the back of the magazine and took them to the shopping mall for any electronics you desired. A ten percent of rebate would be mailed to you seven days after purchase. |
1. a letter written to collect the payments for accounts receivable 中文釋義:催帳信(collection letter)。也就是一封用來催繳應付帳款的信函,提醒欠款戶繳清餘款。 2. an advertisement which provides job opportunities for job seekers 中文釋義:徵才廣告(help-wanted ads)。一則提供工作機會與求職者的廣告。 3. a statement of the current market price of a service or commodity 中文釋義:報價單(quotation)。目前市場勞務與商品的價目表。 4. a refund of some fraction of the amount paid 中文釋義:折扣(rebate)。買賣過程中,廠商會將某部分的已收款項回饋給消費者,就如同打折。以往消費者會在報章雜誌上剪下折扣卷,在買賣時寫下自己的資料與折扣卷一起交給經銷商。之後,就會收到現金或禮卷折扣。不過現在因為資訊發達,大部分已不使用這種行銷模式,而直接使用折扣或網路行銷。 5. a letter written for the purpose of requiring compensation, exchange, or refund due to poor quality of services or commodities 中文釋義:投訴信(claim letter)。由於顧客不滿意服務品質或商品,而要求賠償、換貨、或退錢等等事宜的商業信函。 |
B. quotation (報價單) 定義:( 3 ) 例句:Our clients are requiring a new quotation for the products whose prices have been readjusted due to demands and supplies on the market. |
C. help-wanted ad (徵才廣告) 定義:( 2 ) 例句:On account of recent economic boost, major high-tech companies have put out help wanted ads to recruit talents for research and development. |
D. claim letter (投訴信) 定義:( 5 ) 例句:I am fed up with the poor service for the clothes I bought on-line. I have shopped on the website several times, but still the clothes came in either wrong size or wrong colors. I am going to write a claim letter to ask for a refund this time. |
E. collection letter (催帳信) 定義:( 1 ) 例句:My boss urged me to send collection letters to all of the companies which had defaulted on payments. I guess he is quite unpleased when people buy without paying right off the bat. |