

1. I feel confused about my future. Do you have any recommendation as to whom I can          ?

a. consult

b. consult with

c. be consulting

d. be consulted

答案:(b)。consult如果對於人,就要和with連用;如果對於事物,就是及物動詞:You can consult a dictionary for the words you don’t know.


2. The United Nations has launched a program         micronutrient malnutrition in the developing world such as Kenya.

a. to monitoring

b. to monitor

c. monitored

d. be monitoring

答案:(b)。這裡要用in order to的to,代表目的。也可以把它當成一個句子不能有兩個動詞來理解,所以後面的動詞要加上to。


3. I have been coughing for more than a month. I should go to a doctor and have him check me up          if I have tuberculosis.

a. detecting

b. to detect

c. detect

d. to be detected

答案:(b)。與上題相同,to detect代表目的性;也可以理解成非重複動詞。


4. Although the market is shrinking, we still have to find out more           customers for our business.

a. underlying

b. basic

c. fundamental

d. potential



5. My friend           to call my manager about my being sick, but still I have to prepare a sick leave if any punitive measure is pending.

a. volunteer

b. volunteers

c. volunteering

d. volunteered



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