喜歡超級英雄的電影迷們請注意,金鋼狼又回來了!自上一次的金鋼狼崛起(X-Men Origins: Wolverine)後,這次金鋼狼來到日本,跟日本武士發生衝突。由於金鋼狼本身具有不死再生之能,必須承受親人朋友逐漸凋零的痛苦,因而四處自我放逐,過著隱士般的生活;過往受恩於他的日本人找到了他,並且宣稱可以幫他變回普通人,不用受永生不死之苦。就在此時,他發現事情似乎沒有那麼單純,當他的復癒之能消失的同時,他開始感到不安,也必須面對他完全不熟悉的神祕東方。
Plot Summary
In modern day Japan, Wolverine is out of his depth (無法理解) in an unknown world as he faces his ultimate nemesis (復仇者) in a life-or-death battle that will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his physical and emotional limits, he confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality, emerging more powerful than we have ever seen him before.
劇情預告 040402  
     There are so many areas of that Japanese story, I love the idea of this kind of anarchic character, the outsider, being in this world - I can see it aesthetically, too - full of honor and tradition and customs and someone who’s really anti-all of that, and trying to negotiate his way. The idea of the samurai, too - and the tradition there. It’s really great. In the comic book he gets his ass kicked by a couple of samurai - not even mutants. He’s shocked by that at first.
    創作者 台中洋碩美語 的頭像

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