

Winter’s Tale (冬季奇蹟)

14 February, 2014

本周Leon要向大家介紹一部由美國經典小說所改編的奇幻浪漫電影--【冬季奇蹟】(Winter’s Tale)。原著小說出版於1983年,由馬克哈普林(Mark Halprin)所著,該小說被評選為美國25年來最經典的愛情故事。當然,電影行銷也要看準時機,因此本片將會在今年情人節2月14日上映。容易感動的同學,可以準備好面紙了,因為本片將非常催淚!但是除了男女情愛之外,本片尚有柯林法洛和羅素克洛的打鬥追逐,童話故事的神秘魔法,浪漫的紐約邂逅,和前世今生。經過好萊塢的電影改編之後,絕對是文藝愛情片的首選喔!我們就先來看看原文預告片:


Set in 1916 and present-day Manhattan, Winter's Tale follows the story of Peter Lake (Colin Farrell). A child of an Irish immigrant couple, Peter is adopted by the Baymen of the Bayonne Marsh, who send him off to Manhattan when he comes of age. There he first becomes a mechanic and then is forced to become a burglar in a gang called the Short Tails. He soon makes a mortal enemy of their leader, Pearly Soames, and is constantly on the run from the gang. Early one winter morning Peter is on the brink of being captured and killed by the gang when he is rescued by a mysterious white horse, who becomes his guardian.




While attempting to rob a house, Peter Lake meets and falls in love with Beverly Penn. Beverly is eccentric, free spirited, and enigmatic. This captivates Peter initially, but deeper nature is revealed with her impending fatal illness from consumption. Beverly never disappears from Peter's life, protecting him until the very end.




 In yet another escape from Pearly‘s men, both Peter Lake and the white horse crash into a mysterious, recurring cloud wall, disappearing in it for decades. When Peter Lake emerges, he no longer remembers who he is and is visibly no longer of this world, seeing and hearing things that nobody else can see or hear. He then meets kind-hearted Virginia and her daughterAbby, both of whom try to restore his memory. When he finds he is in modern New York and sees the black and white photo he takes with Beverly, he remembers everything and determines to go back in time to save his love.










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