Thomas Daley Came Out of the Closet!





湯瑪斯·羅伯特·"湯姆"·戴利(英文Thomas Robert "Tom" Daley1994521日-)出生於英格蘭普利茅斯,為英國跳水運動員,以十公尺高臺最為擅長。他於6歲開始跳水生涯,並且加入了普利茅斯跳水俱樂部。小小年紀就在國內和國際比賽中嶄露頭角。20085月,他在國際游泳總會世界跳水排行榜男十公尺高臺項目排名第6名。其後,參加2008年北京奧運和2012年倫敦奧運的男子十公尺高臺和男子雙人十公尺高臺的比賽,並於2012年倫敦奧運在男子十公尺高臺獲得銅牌。



1. According to this video, what happened to Daley over the last couple of years?

A. His father died of cancer in 2011.

B. He won an Olympic bronze medal in 2012

C. His life has been a rollercoaster for him.

D. All of the above


2. What does Daley say he did not feel like doing when he was younger?

A. He did not like doing make-believe situations in school.

B. He did not like doing a documentary

C. He did not like writing a book

D. He did not like talking about his mother


3. Why is Daley angry with the interviews about him?

A. The interviews are not about who he really is

B. The interviews are making fun of him

C. The interviews blackmailed him

D. The interviews reported false information of him


4. When did Daley start this serious relationship of his?

A. This spring

B. This summer

C. This autumn

D. This winter


5. Whom did Daley meet for this relationship?

A. An older woman

B. A guy

C. A younger woman

D. An actor


6. How does Daley feel about this relationship?

A. He cannot be happier.

B. He cannot be happy.

C. He feels unsafe.

D. He feels uncomfortable.


7. Are his mother and friends supportive of his decision to come out?

A. Yes, they are supportive.

B. No, they are critical.


8. Why did Daley make this video at this time of the year?

A. He wanted to tell his fans and friends before he leaves for   a training camp in Houston.

B. He wanted to be honest with people.

C. He wanted to make a statement on his own and did not want speculations from interviews or other media

D. All of the above



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