
同學們!還記得 Thomas Daley的出櫃影音嗎?他很真誠地跟大家說了內心的話,也希望大家支持他喔!接下來我們來解析,聽力問題的內容吧!

1. According to this video, what happened to Daley over the last couple of years?

A. His father died of cancer in 2011.

B. He won an Olympic bronze medal in 2012

C. His life has been a rollercoaster for him.

D. All of the above

答:達利表示他之所以在此時錄製這影片是因為,他理解到人生有很多幸與不幸,讓他體會良多;例如父親死於癌症、贏得奧林匹克銅牌等等。他也坦承去年在奧林匹克之後,人生變得非常的hectic(忙亂)。英語人士喜歡用雲霄飛車rollercoaster來形容生活和心情上的起伏。The journey from innocence to experience was a rollercoaster ride for him. (從無知到成熟,對他來說是劇變的歷程。答案選(D)


2. What does Daley say he did not feel like doing when he was younger?

A. He did not like doing make-believe situations in school.

B. He did not like doing a documentary

C. He did not like writing a book

D. He did not like talking about his mother

答:達利表示他之所以不選擇其他的媒體來發表聲明是由於他不想讓媒體操作,他想真實的面對自己,誠實是他一直相信(believe in)的東西,所以他用自拍影片的方式表明性向。他舉例說,以前在學校的時候總是必須講一些虛假的東西,而英文make-believe (adj) 就是假裝、非真的意思,而且他也不喜歡大辣辣地談論已逝的父親。因此這並不代表他不喜歡紀錄片(documentary)或出書(writing a book),而他想用真實的一面呈現世人,不願意營造一個make-believe situations (假惺惺的情境)Make-believe也可以當動詞使用:They made believe that they had grown up. (他們假裝成熟)。答案選(A)



3. Why is Daley angry with the interviews about him?

A. The interviews are not about who he really is

B. The interviews are making fun of him

C. The interviews blackmailed him

D. The interviews reported false information of him



4. When did Daley start this serious relationship of his?

A. This spring

B. This summer

C. This autumn

D. This winter



5. Whom did Daley meet for this relationship?

A. An older woman

B. A guy

C. A younger woman

D. An actor



6. How does Daley feel about this relationship?

A. He cannot be happier.

B. He cannot be happy.

C. He feels unsafe.

D. He feels uncomfortable.



7. Are his mother and friends supportive of his decision to come out?

A. Yes, they are supportive.

B. No, they are critical.

答:達利說道,如果他父親也在的話,他會希望自己快樂,而他的母親和友人也很支持;只不過當他告訴其他家族的成員時,有些人選擇不相信、有些人叫他不要說,也有人說為什麼他不乾脆接受專訪然後出櫃,但是他想為自己發聲,不想讓媒體對他的話有所刪減 (I don’t want to get my words wasted)。答案選(A)


8. Why did Daley make this video at this time of the year?

A. He wanted to tell his fans and friends before he leaves for a training camp in Houston

B. He wanted to be honest with people.

C. He wanted to make a statement on his own and did not want speculations from interviews or other media

D. All of the above

答: 達利表示他選擇此時表態的綜合原因有:他想誠實、他即將前往美國做泳訓、他不想讓他人對於他的私生活有過多的臆測與猜想、也不想媒體操作;因此,他出櫃,他仍然是原本的湯姆達利,也希望大家能支持他。答案選(D)



    達利 英文 娛樂 新聞

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