

How low-paid workers at 'click farms' create appearance of online popularity (血汗工廠專門在臉書上按讚衝人氣)

How much do you like courgettes? According to one Facebook page devoted to them, hundreds of people find them delightful enough to click the "like" button.

你有多喜歡南瓜呢? 根據一個南瓜產品的臉書專頁,有數百人在此按讚。

There's just one problem: the liking was fake, done by a team of low-paid workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, whose boss demanded just $15 per thousand "likes" at his "click farm". Workers punching the keys might be on a three-shift system, and be paid as little as $120 a year.
不過這當中有個問題: 這些按讚的帳號都是假的,全是出自孟加拉一群廉價勞工之手。他們的老闆要求他們在臉書上按1千個讚才能賺取15美金。這些員工的工作可能採三班制,一年年薪只有120美金(約台幣$3600)

Click farms have become a growing challenge for companies which rely on social media measurements – meant to indicate approval by real users – to estimate the popularity of their products.


For the workers, though, it is miserable work, sitting at screens in dingy rooms facing a blank wall, and sometimes working through the night. For that, they could have to generate 1,000 likes or follow 1,000 people on Twitter to earn a single US dollar.


Dhaka-registered, meanwhile, claims to act as a middleman to connect companies seeking to boost their profile on Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, LinkedIn and YouTube.

這間位於孟加拉的Shareyt.com公司的主要業務是幫各公司在其臉書、推特、Google+、LinkedIn 及Youtube專頁上衝人氣。
"We made it as simple as mouse-clicking," the front page of the site says, claiming that it is "a crowd-sourcing platform to help you improve social media presence and search engine ranking FREE".

該公司的首頁上寫著"提高您的產品知名度就像按滑鼠一樣輕鬆","這個群眾外包(crowd-sourcing)的平台能幫您提升在社群網站上的能見度及搜尋引擎的排名,且是免費的喔!" has now seen Facebook and Twitter prevent links to the site being posted on their networks. Twitter bans "fake followers" or the buying of followers. 


•  punch 按(鍵)
•  crowd-sourcing 群眾外包
•  fake 假的
•   dingy 昏暗的




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